Text To Speech Using Python

By Neelkanth

Project Overview

The simple text-to-speech (TTS) tool is a Python-based software application that converts written text into spoken audio. This project aims to provide a straightforward and accessible tool for generating speech from text input, offering users a convenient way to listen to textual content using synthesized speech output.

Python Code

Key Features

Text Input

Users can input text strings, sentences, or paragraphs into the tool.

Text input can be provided interactively via a user interface or programmatically through command-line arguments.

Speech Synthesis

Utilizes the pyttsx3 Python library for text-to-speech conversion.

Converts the input text into audible speech with natural-sounding voice output.

Audio Playback:

Plays the synthesized speech output through system speakers or headphones.

Provides immediate playback of the converted text, allowing users to listen to the spoken content in real-time.

Technology Stack

Python Programming Language: Implements the project using Python for its simplicity and robust text-to-speech libraries.

pyttsx3 Library:Utilizes the pyttsx3 library to generate speech from text input, supporting various voice options and configurations.

Command-Line Interface (CLI): Supports text input and speech output through command-line execution for versatility.


Text Input

Users enter text input via the GUI text input field or specify text directly through the command line.

Speech Synthesis

The application processes the input text using pyttsx3 to convert it into synthesized speech.

Text is rendered into audible speech signals based on selected voice settings and configurations.

Audio Playback

The synthesized speech is played back through the system's audio output device, providing immediate feedback to the user.

Users can adjust volume settings or pause/resume playback as needed.

Potential Use Cases

Accessibility Tool: Enables visually impaired individuals to access textual content through audio output.

Learning Aid: Supports language learning by pronouncing words, phrases, or passages from text input.

Content Consumption: Provides an alternative method for consuming written content through speech output.


The simple text-to-speech tool project showcases the implementation of a basic yet functional TTS application using Python and pyttsx3 library. This project serves as a practical solution for converting text into speech, offering users an intuitive interface for generating and listening to synthesized audio output from textual input.